Is it just me or....?

Was this movie way crappier on the second viewing?

I remember renting this when it first came out on DVD and I thought it was awesome and I laughed extremely hard.

I don't know if it's because I've grown up a bit(which is weird because now I have an appreciation for actors and I recognized more people this time like Justin Long and Stephen Root) or what but I watched a couple days ago and thought it was kinda... just bland. Minus a few Ben Stiller scenes, a joke here and there and Ben Stiller doing the hilarious rant followed by a man-boob shake at the end credits.



I had the same on my rewatch today. Thought it was way better in my memory.
Gave it a 6 this time...


Really? It is the exact opposite for me.

This film has been consistently hilarious from when I first saw it in 2004, to when it played on cable over the years, then uncut on HBO a few years ago, and when I DVR-ed it on USA earlier this month.

If anything, some of the more subtle jokes and sight gags become clear over the years. (White Goodman closing the door behind Peter, Deus Ex Machina on the treasure chest, and just Ben Stiller's performance in general).


I think this is a good way to view it. For me if you cut out Stiller and the commentators then it's a pretty weak movie.

It's not terrible it just doesn't have the best lead or the best gags outside of Stiller.

"It's ok to play with dolls!"


It has the hilarious Rip Torn delivering some great lines, so it will always appeal to me.


No I still found it very funny the 2nd time.
