Um. Wow.

Is it just me or does Josh Duhamel not seem like he'd be... right for the role of Dorian Gray? The way Dorian was described in the book led me to picture him more as (despite how much I rather loathe him) an Orlando Bloom type.
And the woman playing Sybil looks a little old to be playing a 17-year-old.
On the subject of Sybil, they spelled her name wrong.

And someone accidentally cast a woman as Basil. Do you think we should tell them they messed up?


You're right. Josh Duhamel is in no way pretty enough to be Dorian. Also, we already know Orlando Bloom looks good as a blond.


i was watching the trailer and i thought Sybil looked way too old.

And don't you think Branden Waugh is just a smidgen too young to play Lord Henry. i mean, i'm reading the book right now and ive been picturing him as an older guy in his mid to late forties. actually i always thought Gary Oldman would do a good job at Lord Henry. but thats just me.

"Boy this bird is dry. Haven't you people ever heard about basting? " -Bernard


"On the subject of Sybil, they spelled her name wrong."

So, apparently, did Oscar Wilde. Of course, as the author of the story, he has the final word on whether this is the namesake of the oracle at Cumae.


Josh Duhamel is good if you ask me.

He's a hundred times better looking than Orlando Bloom.


Well, yeah, he is good, and very hot, if you ask me, but he is not very... Dorianish, neither is Olrando Bloom!
When I read the book,before watching the movie I pictured Dorias as Chad Michael Murray, I think he is closest to the part and the age of Dorian, well, that's my very humble opinion!
By the way,they just ruined the story, they shouldn't have done at all instead of doing that, they killed the escence of the original!


Chad Michael Murray seems good, but he isn't much of an actor.


No American actor should be allowed to play Dorian Gray, unless the action is set in California and Dorian Gray is a beach boy. Outside of actors like Edward Norton, John Malkovitch and Kevin Spacey who can look and sound convincingly British, I don't see anyone who can look right playing a high society Brit. Jude Law, when he was younger would have been quite good for the part.


I just watched the last fifteen minutes of this and was shocked by how bad the acting was. The closing credits read: Introducing Josh Duhamel. Either this movie sat on the shelf for a number of years (IMDB says it appeared in 2004), or this is a different Josh Duhamel. To begin with he's blonde.

I watched the rest of the film this morning [this is an edit]. It was very poorly done, with the bad acting a standout. Of course, everyone was asked to read dialog that sounded as if it came directly from the Wilde novel, rather than having been updated for the modern setting. The film appeared to be shot through a gauze; everything had a dream-like quality. The Harry character looked more like Dorian to me, but he was such an atrocious actor, I'm glad he wasn't chosen to play him. Duhamel (for, yes, it is he) looked as if he were drawn by Tom of Finland. You get to see him naked, if that appeals to you. As with most movie adaptations of the story (I haven't seen the David Gallagher version), the "sins" of Dorian are left somewhat vague. After driving Sybil Vane to suicide, he gets a "reputation" for being decadent, but we never learn what that decadence consists of. The fault may lie in Wilde's book, but this is 2009, not 1880. You begin to wonder why this film is remade every two years or so. Eminently missable.

"The Mountain Has Wings"
