Plot lines

Neo ned is about a young kid who got abused as a kid. His parents mess him up so much, that by the time he gets to his teenage years he's crazy. He lashes out against his superiors in school and a neo-nazi gang notices this and thinks he's just right for their party. They initiate him into their group. Ned eventually gets sent to an insane ward for his acts and he meets the Gabrielle Union character. She's also gone mad and believes she is an old Nazi leader. A love story ensues between the two. Van Fischer did an excellent job in directing the film and it should be out by April, 2004 unless they wait for the summer release dates which will be around June.


Thanks for the information, where did you get? Were you at one of the screenings, or is this from a website?

Anyway, it seems like this film has a lot of potential. I'm looking foward to it.
