The end...spoiler

The real outrage was that poor Burns rescues the slut, carelessly turns his back on the culprit (like they always do in these films), gets stabbed in the back, and then self centered Gina wastes time: she hesitates to use the gun she was resourceful enough to grab; then diddles around while poor Burns is losing blood or dying instead of her shooting Krebs frequently and speedily so that she can call for help for Burns. That inconsiderate bitch!
Krebs is a strange name to choose for that character, Krebs means crab and cancer in German. I can imagine that the choice was a deliberate one by the writer.


I can assure you the writer had no idea whatsoever that "Krebs" means "crab" and "cancer" in German." He was simply telling a story. gs


Yeah I thought it was very good.
