
In the movie, the main girl was friends with a teacher and the teacher said her student lived in cursed house. Who the hell goes to school when you're a ghost? >___<


That's a good one. But I can't remember who was that ghost. Who knows...


It might be possible that the victims of the curse "act out" what originally happened, physically or spiritually. We've already seen how Takeo becomes possessed by the curse when he "acts out" the role of Takeo when he carries his wife to the attic. Therefore his wife "acts out" the role of Kayako and so on.. So it's likely that Mariko is "acting out" the role of Kobayashi (who was Toshio's teacher) in this scene. The two cases are very similar to each other. Even the coversation between Kobayashi and his wife (in Ju-on: The Curse) is very similar to the conversation Rika and Mariko had in the restaurant. So, no ghosts or time-travelling is needed here, just supernatural re-enacting.

Joe / TYO
Read Ju-On!
