MovieChat Forums > The Final Cut (2004) Discussion > The extremists~Spoilers ~

The extremists~Spoilers ~

What made me mad about them, not about the fact that they disagreed with the technology, but that they would go to someone's funeral/rememory and SCREAM AND YELL at people who just had a loved one who died. I mean....that's just not right, no matter how bad the person was, its really NOT about the person, but about the people who are left behind. I don't really have an opinion on the idea of the chip, because I can see both the good points and the bad points. But it really bothered me that they were so angry about this chip that they took it upon themselves to go and ruin a person's funeral. I mean its hard enough to have someone close to you die, but to have to put up with that, it just really makes me angry. It just seems disrespectful, no matter if you agree with the whole ordeal or not. I mean, I know it is a fictional movie, but I'm pretty sure something like that would happen in real life and I just don't understand people sometimes. What also makes me mad is the fact that they killed Alan in the end. Especially that his friend even THOUGHT about killing him, because first of all Alan was just now living his life. He had finally gotten over the whole Louis thing and he was ending his job as a cutter. You could see he was feeling better, free. And the fact that they would go and kill an innocent man...that just sinks them down to Barrister's (I think that was his name) level. Its weird, because it seems they allow themselves forgiveness...because its for the "greater good". It just really made me angry. Sorry, I had to vent, lol.

~RIP Six Feet Under
