Disturbing cut...

Does anybody else find Alan's short film of the man shaving himself in the mirror every morning, going from old age back to his youth, profoundly disturbing? I'm 21 but seeing this man's life compacted into 30 seconds made me feel like half my life was over, like I'd be middle aged before i knew it and then suddenly old and on the brink of death. It freaks me out.

"I used to be snow white, but I drifted."


Well i'm 24.. does it make you feel any better if your life could be over way before you're even old???

That's the good thing about life in general if you ask me.. we never know when exactly we will die...

So why worrying of getting old?

"Wait!" "Worry" "Who Cares?"



It's not about the fear of getting old, and the thought of dying young doesn't unsettle me as much. It's just the feeling that short film gave me of a long life compacted into a few seconds, like 80years can feel like five minutes, everything going way way too fast.

"I used to be snow white, but I drifted."


it didn't worry me so much as intrigue me - yes, it was a bit odd, compacting a man's life, but at the same time it can be seen as simply an analogy for life in some way

Beatles Apple Scruff.


I believe the cut tryied to make us realise the inmesity of a man's life in a couple of seconds.


maybe shaving was the most intresting thing that guy did with his life




Not disturbing just incredibly sad. It was like his life was so meaningless. Beautiful sequence though.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


I loved that sequence. It was sad, and felt very true.


Alan did that to show the girl. He had a video of the girl saying to her boyfriend that she had a dream of herself getting younger so he made the clip of the guy to impress her.


Alan did that to show the girl. He had a video of the girl saying to her boyfriend that she had a dream of herself getting younger so he made the clip of the guy to impress her.

that was probably the primary reason but i also saw it as a way to show how a single incident can affect a person for a lifetime, even an incident that isn't true. things like the color of a boat in a rememberance or even the main character's childhood experience had a profound influence on their entire lives. that tiny nick on his eye kept coming back to him in various forms throughout his entire life. that sequence was probably a summary of the entire flick in less than a minute.

also, that was his girlfriend's dad right?


some of you really do reach to find things that are not there.


Strike that. Brain fart on my part. Ignore this post.


Hey OP, You are now 3 years older. How does it feel now at 24? Still afraid of getting old? Fact is life is incredibly sort so live life to the fullest. We are here on the planet for only a blink of an eye.

If you'd listened to the directors' commentary, the backwards aging scene was originally forward, and judged to be depressing. People do change over a span of years. It was remarkable change to go forward, but more touching to start from the older man to the young child he once was. Wait till you have a child and see that kids' graduation ceremony, and a tear comes down when you see your child as a baby grow up in just a few pictures on the screen.


To be honest, that sequence of shaving footage made me immediately think Alan must have been quite lazy!

Did you notice how at the beginning of a cut, Alan would let the machine sort everything into categories?

Well all meal-times were clumped together, all courtship, etc and lots of other activities.

If the machine itself clumped all the shaving footage together there would not be much work for Alan to do! That was my first tongue-in-cheek thought.

But also when the machine organized the categories, I also thought how ineffective that would be, in telling that person's story.

I mean every meal we eat for example, we all have many varying thoughts and feelings. If we just got into trouble as a kid, we might spend out meal crapping ourselves in case our parents find out.

Other meals we're wondering really mundane stuff. Yet the machine clumps them all together.

Oh well, I should remember it's just a movie!

"Champagne for my real friends, and real pain for my sham friends..."


we sleep average of 8 hours a day. we waste third of our lives sleeping. so yeah, third of our life just "dissapear" and this is disastrous.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
