Dr.G drinking game

My girlfriend watches this show alot, due to the fact my girlfriend works in a funeral home so she sees bodys like this all the time, and she loves her work. So I sometimes watch it with her, and I notice she says two phrases quite a bit, "loves a good mystery" and "this trumps anything else" Not sure if thats exactly it, but its close enough. I kept watching it picturing if I did this drinking game how drunk I would get, and I dont know if it was just that episode or something she always says, but I know I would be hammered at the end of that episode.


LOL I know it's morbid, but it's so funny!


I think you should have a drink every time Dr G states the bleeding obvious.

I remember one time, she said "Something must have happened to them". Really! I think the fact that the person is dead is a good clue that something must have happened. DUH!


...well, if you continue w this drinking game each time it's on, you might end up on her table! Lol. I love this show btw.

If I could live this life again, I would never leave you for a second.-Nick Callahan


Seems like Dr. G plays the drinking game herself...
