Who's your favorite character?

JR!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's so cool and definitely my favorite character of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy the next is gonna be a lot about him!!!!! I really can't wait for it to come out!!!!

"Are you dense? We're going to defeat that angel with my Unit 02!!" -Asuka


In some ways he is the main character, because a lotta ish took place with him, Albedo, and Gaignun. And by process of elimination its a choice between chaos and jr. I'd go with jr.


Mine are Albedo,Wilhem,Chaos and Jin Uzuki.


MOMO, because she's so cute and you get see her panties!!

Devil arms come and go, but handguns are forever.


KOS-MOS & Shion! JR is a JERK!


Well. . .I would have to say my favorite character in Episode 1 is Lieutante Virgil and Commander Cherenkov. If I needed to choose a main charater it would probably be Ziggy for my own reasons and Jr. for preformance reasons. I didn't pick Shion because she's a nerd and have a really crappy attack most of the time, I didn't pick Chaos because he's a pansy, I didn't pick KOS-MOS. . .well she would be 2nd on both, I didn't pick Momo because her attacks suck but I do give a thunmbs up to the guy who liked Momo the most above. ;). If I to pick my favorite characters in order it would be like this. . . Lieutenate Virgil, Ziggy, Commander of The Woglinde, Jr. , Commander Cherenkov, KosMos then ect. ect.


Commander Cherenkov, eh? Very Interesting! You must of been very glad that you got to use Lt.Virgil at the part when the Gnosis attacks the Woglinde, right? Too bad you only get to use him for a very small time.


no one really for ep 1 cause it was a pretty sad excuse for an RPG. however since Ep2 is about 1000000 times better i'd have to say rubedo, nigredo and albedo are the coolest. especially albedo cause he seems REALLY powerful, except he's a nut.


I agree with Diago Sin. Chaos, Virgil and Cherenkov are my favourite characters. Especially Cherenkov because at first sight he seems like the typical cliche backstabber but when you see his backstory you really feel sorry for the guy.

And my least favourite probably be Albedo.

Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!


I like Albedo for my favorite male character, Miyuki for female, and KOS-MOS for genderless. Albedo is positively crazy, Miyuki is cute and funny, and KOS-MOS kicks a wholelottass!

"Bop It is something we use for social engagements that need mouth to mouth" - Lorelai Gilmore


I like Shion, mostly in episode II, because of her personality and also because she becomes totally hot. And I like MOMO along with Jr.


You spell Jr. with an F an A and a G. Well, he shoots people. Even with his physical attacks he SHOOTS PEOPLE. Even the 8 year old girl (Realian) actually hits them! Jr. can drive the Durandal stright up his own ass.

Does he hate it when your right?
No, he just hates it when he's wrong.


lol. i like KOS-MOS ~ Allen is my least fave. he'so *ack* he annoys me trying to get with Shion. i thought the "suggestive themes" between KOS-MOS and Shion are funny. still, i think Shion really does care for KOS-MOS because she wantso much for KOS-MOS to show some humanity and she believes that she has feelings plus i like KOS-MOS all-blasting-gnosis-laser abs ~ so beautiful
& Chaos, definitely! his enigmatic presence and his powers.

My sexual preference is not you
Like the Truth becomes a Lie ~ Hyo-Shin



I'm not that far into it ('bout 12 hours, and we just rescued the guy from the mugging (in an attempt to avoid any spoilers))

so based on how far i am...

Favorite Character: Kos Mos.

honorable mention: Allen. He makes me chuckle.

Least Favorite: Jr. He drives my crazy hes so annoying.


Well... Episode I was definitely Shion. I am usually not into main characters (which, face it, Shion is), but she was endearing. And surprisingly powerful. My line-up the entire series was always Shion, Jr, and MOMO when I could get the three together. Jr and MOMO probably beat her out in Episode II, but she was right back there for III. Still, I always tried to make a final blow to a boss Jr and MOMO's Silver Duet... so neat.
