Xenosaga: The Animation Storyline

Anyone as bugged as I was when they changed so much to the storyline in the anime. I'm watching it on Anime Network on Demand which doesn't come in (the episodes I haven't seen) as often as I'd like them to but anyway the third episode. The one on board the Elsa, it's like taking away from too much of the game's essence if you ask me. I mean loosely based or not it's like really unnessesary to remove and rearrange so many key points to the story. Lieutenant Virgil should have been dead! And where the hell was Cherenkov???



I'm not sure. I get it through cable though, but I only watch it sporadically whenever a new episode comes up because I'm not subscribed for it. I'm not sure if its any better if you subscribed or not.


But I like how they developed Albedo's character in episode 9.


I belive you can get it through cable if you order it

Anime is Forever


Yeah but is it worth it?

Peter was always emo. Stan Lee Created him to have problems.


Anime ON Demand, is so not worth it. The Anime Network or the FUNimation Channel would be though

Anime is Forever


Thanks. I didn't think it was either.

Peter was always emo. Stan Lee created him to have problems.
