T4 or something else

Here is a story plot i came up with for T4, but if it doesn't work, it will be changed to fit another story or franchise for that matter....

Terminator in of itself is a huge paradox. The timeline has been changed in every film so far.
1. T1 we find out that Reese and the first or last T-800, depending how you look at it, are the only things from the Future that are sent, then the time machine gets blown up, and that the humans win the war by smashing skynets defensive grid.
2. T2 we find out that Reese is incorrect in being the “only” thing besides the first T-800 from T1 that is sent back, 2 more Terminators are sent back, T-800 & T-1000, prototype model, probably one of kind, Judgment Day is changed. We also learn that skynet is a learning/thinking machine, that it is alive, but it is mechanical.
3. T3 we find out that there is even a more advanced Terminator in the mix, the T-X, and an updated model of the T-800, the T-850, which it seems that its only real advancement is in the psychology of human emotional states. We learn that Judgment Day still happens just not the way history first wrote it, due to all the changes in the space time continuum. We now learn that Skynet is not mechanical but rather computer software that has become aware, it doesn’t have a body, as it’s central nervous system.

I think the 3rd needs more explaining. It seems this is human’s fate. No matter how they try to stop it, Skynet seems to build itself out of thin air, I don’t believe this. It is always easier to let the audience interrupt what it is that is going on. Me writing this right now, everyone else on the message boards that are communicating there interpretations of what is reality within the Terminator Universe. Skynet starts off as a computer virus but needs the Skynet link up to complete itself, Skynet is a computer program, we are told that at the end of T3, but the intelligence behind it is what created the Virus that starts the whole thing. So somewhere there was a mainframe that started this whole thing up, maybe a lower model of the AI that the Military was playing with, or a newer one as well, depending how you look at it. So it created this virus and planted it’s seed, however for the plan to work, the AI had to affect itself, so this thinking machine put itself at danger in order to get what it wanted, Skynets abilities as a Computer Program to ensure it’s victory. The AI was intelligent but it was still limited, just how people are when they are very smart, but there are things they still can’t do with out help. And it was said in T3 that Skynet would seek out this Virus and kill it in minutes, and it did that, as soon Skynet plugged into all the Computers, it killed the virus, the AI came back on line and took control of Skynet, of course none of this is can be proven, nor is it really suggested, I just find it funny how it fits the facts. The Military didn’t know about it, cause the AI itself was infected, and that wouldn’t be logical, and we are taught in these sci-fi films that AI’s tend to dictate logic to a key, but I guess if there was an AI that was all intelligent it would learn to develop things that are not logical, therefore giving humans a tough opponent.
So I think we really don’t know who wins the war, from the beginning of T1, I think there is a central unit of intelligence, but that isn’t where John ends up, John comes full circle and destroys the defense grid, at the location where Skynet is born, but again, Skynet is program that has aided the AI, John finally finds out as he sends Reese through the time machine. That he is up against something he hasn’t met yet, he has only met the puppets. So now we have 2 centrals, the Defensive Grid location and another place we don’t know about yet.
I think if a 4th film is made it needs to be on a large scale. Since again the timeline is altered things start happening faster around this time. The Head from T3 is found by the machines, and they start stepping up their technology. We should set T4 about 10 to 15 years later, I do not think it is stated how old Reese is in T1, but Sarah is young around the ages of 19-22, I gathered that from dialog from T2. Reese also appears to be a young adult early 20’s or so.
Humans are gaining control, in the first hour, you see John and Kate, they meet up with another human, he is growing in commands due to his abilities of defeating the new threats the T-800’s and the T-X, which the T-X is like a Platoon Leader of sorts, they are out there, but you don’t see to many of them, mostly in the large battle sequences. At the Act One break you Reese saving John and Damaging the T-850 that John will repair and send back to for T3, John then boots up a T-800 to send back for T2, then he sends Reese, with the knowledge that the other Terminators are sent back to protect John’s Lieutenants, before the war, and warns Reese not to disclose to much information about what it is that is happening. Speak freely, but beware what it is being said, they are playing with time, if too much changes all will be lost… Then he makes Reese remember the speech, about fate and all. John blows up the machine as Reese is machined through time.
So we are about 80 minutes into T4, when now the film revolves around finding this location to the AI, with Skynet down, the AI can hardly defend itself, so it sends what is left after from the no longer Defense Grid. In order from stopping John from the AI’s demise. It Sends what is left over, this is where the creative aspects of FUN and Imagination come in, no T-1000, there was only one, and it was sent from the unknown location, the T-X, and the T-800, in T1, are sent from the Defense Grid location. What is left at the end of the AI rein, a T-X sure why not, a T-800 or T-850 or 2, sure, why not, how about a new Terminator, but not too crazy, how about a T-900, is just basically a physical upgrade from the T-800, it is stronger and faster, but has the same mental capacity as the T-850, like how the T-850 had mental skills that went beyond the T-800, probably the difference when the T-800 in T2, was left to learn and grow on it’s own, without the AI or Skynet intervening, more or less there experiment with the 800 series, came out the T-850, so now they upgrade exoskeleton one more time and create a limited 900 series for the time being till they find out weather or not the T-1000 is practical, the AI doesn’t get it’s chance to test the 1000 series in the field due to T2 having to happen,
So now the T-900 or 2, I am thinking, 2 of them, actors or actresses, come on people create your own Terminator, ok, if T4 has a T-X, they need to bring back Kristina, she totally rocked as the T-X, for the T-900’s, I would like to see any of these guys, they could do it, bring back Robert Patrick, has was so F’N cool, Van Dame would be a good choice aka “Univseral Soldier”, Arnold has recommended him to take on the job if he fails short to be able to do the role, and how about Vin Diesel, you are telling me he couldn’t be a Terminator, damn right he could, I mean has anyone seen “Pitch Black” he totally made that movie worth watching.
So now we got John turning up the last T-850 that they haven’t either sent back into time or destroyed on their own, and that is Vin Diesel, he is John & Kate’s protector for the present, and they are now finding their way to the central AI, to finish this once and for all. They are being Tracked by either the T-X, Kristina, and a T-800, Arnold, or 2 T-900 Patrick and Van Dame, or any combo you think of, for this I will say, a T-X, Kristina, and T-850, Arnold, and John has the upgrade the T-900, Vin Diesel, that should present some comedy when John begins to question “What the F is the 900 series”
John knows about the T-X that is tracking, but doesn’t about Arnold, but knows there are 2 Terminators hunting him, and he has one protector, so the stage is set for the chase and the final battle, so through all of this we get to see the war between the machines and survivors of JD, charcter Reese making friends with John, the destruction of the Defensive Grid, and all the people traveling through time. In all the span of about, 80 to 85 minutes into our “epic” here.
So a final run time of about 2 hrs 35 minutes, the story could be told, only James Cameron could probably pull this off and make it look really F’N good. T3 was good, but the universe in which the characters relayed in was fairly small, T2 was a success cause the characters were in this huge Universe to interact with, I think if there is a T4 it needs to be LOTR fashion, it needs to be big, it needs to be epic, finish it here, and make it compared to T2, which is damn near impossible, but if the studios fought for all these years in court to get the rights to the Terminator Franchise they need to make it as big as they can, I am not saying my idea is great it isn’t, it is all based on info from the films and or there lack of. I just think it fit some of the facts that are given and doesn’t create more turn-tables of questions on this or that, or it may, lol, I don’t know, I am not an expert I am a damn film student and a fan, not a Dr. let me know what you all think, peace sout, David A. Mineo Mineofilms Ltd. [email protected]



you forgot to add

"Arnold is at the top of his game in Terminator 3."

'nuff said.


well i suppose it would have been installed in the Sac-Norad 51 Tactical command in chayenne mountain i mean most secure place in country except for area 51 and pentagon breifing room and such it would have made sense he (Skynet) Was kept there plus they wouldve found out skynets location anyway iv learned at the end of the war they smashed drives and skynet "Brothers" such as mir in russia, china, australia, and united kingdom stretching skynets limits to only north america and Kate wouldve told john where the hardrives were as she had military connections so skynet would've been doomed anyway so their couldve been puppets but it would have no point seeing as they destroyed them and theirs nothing standing in their way of storming norad and smashing him to bits with tire irons and such i mean this machine broke human civilization because it was scared wtf?!!!??!?!?!?! i wouldve gone at it with tire irons so the humna anger fueled their revenge and they destroyed him and smashed him to little bits as he goes offline and dies and gos to hell which he so rightfully deserves so i guesss their couldve been "puppets but they stopped and destroyed them and i guess that was it the cold hard death

my version is it carrys on in the future war segmant where in T2 where you see old john scanning battlefield then he goes into base and planes however machine breaks in kills him but is destroyed by a pulse weapons his circuits are fixed and hes put on a new mission to break into skynet and send himself back through time about 30 years to 2003 as he breaks into the skynet compound he shuts off skynet and then it shows and outside view of all the machines stopping and flying HKs falling out of the sky because skynet was guiding them all but now seeing as hes like dead all the machines aernt guided and die and the terminator (not powered by skynet because they rewired him) sends himself through time to make sure history goes as planned since it cannot be broken and judgement day is inevitable my version but dont laugh i made it like 2 minutes okay?


My idea is that T4 is set 15 years into the future. The machines are gaining control around the world. John is commander of the Earth's last army. Most people live in comfort with huge cities and ironically, submissive machines protecting them. John sends back the machines that save his life, but before he can send back the last one to save his life in T3, a TC-9 comes back in time to save him from an identical C-9 trying to kill him. TC-9 are a mix of a T-X and a T-1000. TC-9 stands for Terminator Concept 9. John's wife Sarah has stolen one in the future from the machine factory. Soon the bad TC-9 starts to try to kill John and the good TC-9. The TC-9s come in the form of a male child who has amazing powers. In the end of the movie, the good TC-9 kills the bad TC-9 by pouring corrosive acid all over it. Then the good TC-9 goes over to John and says it is done. Then the good TC-9 turns into a T-800 and with a shotgun shoots John, as the TC-9 shoots John it says, "Prepare to be terminated." It turns out the machines got smart and let Sarah have a TC-9 so that they could send back theirs pretending to be good to kill John and that the bad TC-9 was actually never trying to kill John only to save him. at the end of the movie, a voice says that actions that have occured in the past can only be prolonged, not avoided, Death shall always come.

