I am playing an extremely hard level at the moment. I don't remember the name but you play as Red, and the Indian is there as well, drawing enemy fire while you move into this fort and get to the machine gun and kill as many people as you can along the way. My problem is as soon as I get to the gun, no matter how I dodge or shoot my way out of it, I always get killed. There are so many guys down on the ground that I can't even shoot around the corner without taking a million bullets. Does anyone have a good strategy?


I know this may not sound right, but F$$$ the machine gun. It allows you to take too many bullets while using it. Personally, I shot from around the corners of the roof, or I would go down the steps and shoot out the door where the big boys come in. The boss in this level isn't too hard, if you still have troubles, I'll replay it and see what I do.

"Sticking feathers up you butt does not make you a chicken."-Brad Pitt
~Try me
