Attraction/Exhibit in Disney World?

I know it's not there anymore, but does anyone else remember there being an attraction based on this movie in Disney's MGM/ Hollywood Studios? All I remember about it was that you walk through a "wardrobe" and end up in snowy Narnia. The White Witch walked out on some kind of balcony and said something along the lines of, "Think carefully about whose side you're on... Mine or theirs."
At the end there were some props you could see from the movie, but I don't remember anything else, except a lamppost you could take pictures by outside.


I went to Disney World in 2006 when I was about 9. I remember going through this attraction, but I have trouble remembering what it was like. I was a big fan of the movie, so you'd think I'd remember more.


I wish I could remember more of it, too. I think the props included costumes and weapons and such.

I love the Narnia movies, and I hope they do continue the series, but it unfortunately seems doubtful at this point.
