dvd release date????

does anybody know when this movie is coming out on dvd/video???? i want to see it so bad and i can't find any info for it??? Please help???


Dear hostie21:

The DVD is coming out from Hart Sharp Video on October 31, of this year.


great news.

cant wait to see it again.

did anyone see the NYTimes Magazine article on VERA FARMIGA. she is amazing in this film.


Didn't see it (Times Article) but my husband and I are both recovering addicts. (Me 8 yrs, clean) My husband is in a seperate catagory, he has terminal cancer (not even 50 yet!) so the doctors give him tons of narcotics to kill the pain. He gets so much in fact that he sells the extra. There are people over my house daily to purchase drugs.....now, if you dont't think THAT is hard for me. But I smade up my mind to stop wasting my life (and my health) on drugs and all I have to say is that I wish I had done it sooner. God did not mean for us to make ourselves comotose, but to enjoy life. If Tom, (my husband) didn't have cancer he would most asuredly be still using. But thats HIS life, I have to stay focused on my sobriety. We never did herion, but we were addicted to Methadone,both liquid and tabs(10 mg) xanax, oxycodone,cocaine. We did on the average of 180-200 mg of methadone. Oh , and I was cross addicted on alcohol. If anyone reads this and can relate please respond I would love to share experiences with you. ~Peace~



I reckon the thing with love (and this movie) is that it's really hard to draw a line saying "but that's his life". my guess is that you must've come a long way, being able to focus on yourself like this. i watched the ending sequence of the movie more than once, but i just can't seem to quite catch the lines. what i hear bob saying is something like "i could never stay clean by myself, no one does" - could anyone clear this up a bit? what's he actually saying?
since you haven't seen the movie though, this might not be much of your concern anyway, so, sorry :-) i think the whole thing was done in a very authentic way. a lot of movies've made me angry because they *beep* up at this exact issue. how are we to believe that hollywood directors know less about drugs than the average person WATCHING the movie? now we know for a fact that you can take cocaine without getting addicted the minute you do. we KNOW that no REAL person behaves like nicole kidman in 'eyes wide shut' when smoking marihuana. so how am i to agree to the conclusio of a person i know is *beep* me? i can't, and that's the good thing about this one, it's not *beep* you (at least that's what i think). i think the basic idea is to explore how people are coping with their lives. as we can see, a lot of them lie to themselves and the people around them. it's not because they're bad people. they don't take drugs just because they're bad people, either. why do we drink coffee, or smoke cigarettes, especially in our daily work lives? it's small, controlled pieces of happiness, self-constructed, so they can't disappoint you. other people are uncontrollable, and very often they don't make you happy at all, even (or especially) if they like or love you. you get hurt. also, we have to function, we have to 'work' - even if it's at the expense of ourselves, so we have to give ourselves small, controllable portions of happiness, that make our daily routine worthwhile. maybe you disagree, but i think it's alright to use almost anything you want to, making yourself a little happy just once in a while, as long as you don't hurt somebody else. you just shouldn't depend on those things. there's only one thing you can depend on - and that's, well i know it sounds over-used, but it's yourself. and THAT takes so much self-control and discipline, it's kind of scary. but also great. like when they do this yoga-exercise in the movie. anyone doing yoga will know how much joy it is controlling your body, and just concentrating on yourself. same thing with making love to someone - no point in doing it if you're not concentrating on yourself, is there. i think there's now way you can make somebody else happy if you're not taking yourself seriously. you'll always just end up hurt and quite a lot of times you'll end up blaming the other person for your own unhappiness. last thing i'll say - didn't you find it remarkable how the scenes where irene (eg. in the kitchen, with the fruit-loops) and bob ( at the railroad tracks) were with the kids and influenced by drugs, well, anyone else got this really nervous feeling, like, you know they're about to *beep* it up, and somebody please get the children out of their way?


Can't wait for the film... Vera is so hot hot hot.
She was great in The Departed and I look forward to her future endeavors as an Actress. She is going be on High Demand for many roles


Is this on DVD yet? I cant seem to find a release date

"I'm the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy."



It's just out in Canada on Dec 12th.


I just saw this film on Sundance a few days ago, and i must say that I didnt care for it. Vera Farmiga was good but I didnt see anything spectacular about her performance. I didnt like the style in which the movie was shot and the pacing was way too slow.

Jennifer Jason Leighs performance in "Georgia" was much more effective for me, as far as watching a film about drug addiction.


check out netflix, you can rent it there, not a bad film, felt very real with a great performance by Vera.

"Someone has been pissing on my Gamecube and I'm about to close the case"
