
Anyone agree that this game was kinda boring? I played through most of it, but it got really boring. And when I was in the Rainbow Butterfly Wodds, Monica was all like, "I have grape juice!!!" ok, that was cheesy.I kinda understand how people could like this game, but still, the quotes were kinda annoying.



It *is* a fantastic game!! Better than Dark Cloud ;))

Although I *did* find the American dubs of the voices cheesed up the game a lot. Also, the damn monster badges were too much work for too little reward. I only complete the Gemron badge now, when I play





this game kicked all sorts of ass, I found the acting to be pretty good I mean it has Luke Skywalker for crying out loud!!!!, I'm thinking of maybe hunting this game down

R.O.D the tv...nuff said


it's a great game. though i gotta admit the dungeons got pretty boring after a while but hey that's the kind of game this is.

the VAing was pretty childish too.


What I liked about this game was how they at first deceive you into believing it's a very black-and-white plot, which it at first is (Flotsam is quickly established to be a very evil person), but as you get on, you find out the back-stories of several of the main villains, such as Gaspard, Dr. Jaming, and Emperor Griffon, who was possibly the most interesting villainous twist I've ever seen (won't spoil it for those who haven't gotten there yet).

Some of the dungeons were a little repetitive, but that was most of the time spent playing the game, so I will cut some slack there. Some of the boss battles were pretty difficult the first time, such as the duel between Monica and Gaspard, and the first boss battle with Emperor Griffon (that fight took me forever). But interestingly, there were several points where it's plot crossed over with that of Dark Cloud (the encounter with Master Utan, the secret battle at the end).

Putting it simply, this is probably one of my favorite PS2 games of all time, even though I haven't owned a PS2 in years.


2nd favourite for me and I love the music in it.


I think the music's great too, not many people mention it though. My favourite is the Gundorada workshop theme - the one in the future. But all the way through it's genteel and never bugs (unlike the accents).


I sold this game with my PS2 and I didn't think I'd miss it so much, I was half way threw the last level, the mine pitt. I wish I could have it again, it actually was a guilty pleasure and fun.

I'm P.A.D! Dyslexic and proud!


I find this game boring. The random dungeons are way too long and trying to plow through them is incredibly tedious. Later in the game it takes about 15 minutes to clear a floor completely and when a dungeon has like 20 or 30 floors you're going to be doing the same crap over and over.

That being said the game is still very fun in quick bursts. If you can break the monotony of the dungeon crawling with fishing, taking pictures, town building or whatever else you should have a good time. But seriously... too many floors in the dungeons.


I find dark cloud 2 fun to play

Now end of day and Iam the Reaper:Silent hill
