MovieChat Forums > Chavez: Inside the Coup (2003) Discussion > Venezuelans here are true Venezuelans, b...

Venezuelans here are true Venezuelans, but...

as posted by a reviewer here at IMDB:

"every comment by a Venezuelan here has been negative (all but a single one vehemently so), and all favoring the opposition point of view. statistically, for this to happen, one (and only one) of two things must be true: either a) Chavez is a truly monstrous dictator, and does such terrible and unspeakably brutal things to his people that not a single voice will rise up from his citizenry to defend him, or b) Venezuela is a poor country, the majority of it's citizens are non-English speakers, and thus only an elite few (the upper classes) would both have access to the internet AND be able to communicate on an exclusively English speaking site such as the IMDb. in this case that elite few just happens to comprise the demographic that supported the opposition. and then there's the freepers, American right-wingers know for going onto websites and posing as people with credibility in order to spew neo-conservative propaganda, often copied verbatim from talking points posted on other sites. I mean, if the IMDb existed in 1939, I'd think even Hitler would have at least one or two German defenders in the comments for Triumph of the Will, if only just propagandists.

which brings up another point: if Chavez is the master propagandist so many here are claiming, why wouldn't he have a couple of his Venezuelan supporters post a couple of entries to balance the scales a bit? I'd trust the point of view (notice I did not use the plural) of these Venezuelans-against-Chavez more if there were at least SOME diversity of opinion. without dissent however, I must question their authenticity and the basis for their agenda. "

Yea it sucks that Chavez is destroying your livelyhood. But doesn't oppressing poor folks kinda get old after while. I'm glad he's destroying the oligarchy in favor of proletarian reform. Viva Chavez!

"the door is ajar!?" - Bill Hicks


Wouldn't you think after eight years in power, if he was truly a socialist, there would be at least ONE of his supporters getting out of poverty, learning English, being able to defend him? That is the contradiction.

It is true that we, the Venezuelans on IMDB, are part of the priviledged side of the Venezuelan society (some middle class, some rich). What is not true is that he is destroying our livelyhood for helping the poor. If you visit Venezuela these days you will realize the rich are the same as they were eight years ago, and the poor are the same as before Chavez. The only ones that have improved the conditions of living are the folks in the government, whom with their Hummers and Rolls Royces make the traditional oligharchy look like Nelson Mandela.

The only true victims of Chavez is the middle class. The rich are richer than ever, thanks to his policies and the booming oil prices. The poor are more poor than ever, because of the insane fall of the Bolivar (one dollar is now 4.300 bolivares in the free market, it used to be 500 before Chavez). The oligharchy was against Chavez in his early years in power. Not anymore. Cisneros is his asociate and many others are in business with him. They are happier than ever because Chavez "controls" the poor by giving them hope while he lets them do business as usual. I'm part of that elite, my family is benefiting from it. And it doesn't make me proud, but it doesn't give me shame since he is, after all, loved by the majority. But the Venezuelans in this post sound to me more like middle class (the oligharchy is less than 1% of the nation), so it is your choice to decide if you want to attack them for fighting a president who detroyed their livelyhood by giving fake hopes to the poor and continuing doing business with the rich.

Nobody would love Chavez more than me if he was what he has made you believe he is. But he is not. And a quick trip to Caracas would teach you that. Not much has changed in his revolution. Just make up.


its perfectly clear. only the wealthy guys have access to proper education, the media and the internet. its disgusting to see that they would rather continue to deny everything to the poor majority.
even more disgusting than the bourgeoisie is anyway.
