MovieChat Forums > CKY Documentary Discussion > Song trouble! please help

Song trouble! please help

i am a huge cky fan and i recognise all the songs in the documentry exept one!

but i know it isnt done by CKY i think its MOBY

its the part where bam wrecks his nuts on the rail and he says" just to let everybody know, that hurt like a motherfu**er"

heres a clip of it! at 7:24

please help cos when i first heard it i recognised it and its been bugging me ever sinse as i know its from another movie or tv show but i cant put my finger on it!

please help


Call me crazy, but it MIGHT be one of the ending song in Pearl Harbor. It definitely sounds like a movie score song or something. It reminds me of the part at the end of the movie where Ben Affleck's character is holding the kid and he gets of the plane in an open field or w/e.

Good luck ;)
