Drake Best Girlfriend?

It has to be either Lucy or Carly those two were the best for Drake but Drake had to go back to his player ways and break up with them.

Who do you think was the best girl for Drake?

whenever i see jesus up on that cross, i can't help but think that he looks kinda hot- cartman


The one he actually had enough in common with. I forgot her name, but it was the episode when Drake met her in the music store.

Despite that he's a man-whore, I'm not sure if any of the girls actually forgave him for being an idiot/slutty. I actually thought for a second there would be an episode where he gets kicked in his balls from a collection of "old news" he stopped going out with.

I would TiVo that and play on repeat.

"I call myself future names for a reason, no one in the world is like me." - Nicholas Harmon



Yeah I think Carly was the best girlfriend for him, especially with what Drake did to make her his girlfriend.


I, too, am torn between Lucy and Carly. Carly seems like the one for Drake, like someone who is right for him. Lucy, on the other hand, I actually liked her, especially that whole episode. Nothing like having a tough girl by your side. Though the two went at it, she never questioned his manhood because she still liked him.

All I need is one mic...


While I liked Lucy, I think my favorite would be Tory. She was his prettiest gf and I think she was his sweetest gf as well. I wan't really a fan of Carly. I think the actor had something to do with that though.


Either the one from Smart Girl or the one from Girl Power. I give the edge to the one from Girl Power! She was just cool.


The girl who could kick is ass.
