MovieChat Forums > Sexo con amor (2003) Discussion > a lovely, funny, entertaining...

a lovely, funny, entertaining...

movie, enjoyed it. this is the first chilean movie i have ever seen, and i fell in love with it instantly. watch it.


It was on last night on HBO Latino but started way too late. I only managed to stay up for 20 minutes. It seemed very entertaining though. I'm glad you enjoyed the film, will have to see it again in its entirity. Thanks!


yes, if u get a chance do check it out.


excellent...saw it last night on HBO


This was a lovely, entertaining and very sexy movie. It dealt with sex in a way that American movies don't (realistic and unglorified).

I bought it as part of a package on Ebay (I was looking for Oh, Calcutta and got this with it). It was a sweet little gem.


I think this was my first foreign film from Chile and I too found it quite engaging and fun to watch. Don't know that it deserved all the nominations it racked up, but still thought it was very entertaining =).



Lovely movie!

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


It's a funny movie, but it should be called "Sexo Sin Amor". I don't think it's such a good movie. There's no love.
Chilean's sexuality it's not as it has been portrayed in this film, at least all the chileans I know, that's is a lot of people, because I've been living in Chile since the day I was born.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language.


The movie only focuses on a few people. It's not meant to be a look into the specific country. The things that happen in the movie can happen anywhere.
