Brad Pitt

Did anyone else noticed that the main charactor resembled Brad Pitt in alot of ways some of the ways he spoke

... and looked



Well I am not sure if you noticed this - but he did the voice for Tyler Durden in the Fight Club video game, and that was Brad Pitt's character. So you must be right about the voice! I don't think he looks like Brad Pitt though.


He kind of looked like Owen Wilson to me.


I saw this movie on TV yesterday and I had to think of Edward Norton everytime I saw him.


The character reminded me of Johnny Depp's character in Secret Window ;P


i didn't think he looked like brad pitt, but i thought he looked like my highschool creative writing teacher.

my creative writing teacher was hot.


No...He does remind me of Larry Birkhead though (the father of Anna Nicole Smith's baby)!

