MovieChat Forums > Madhouse (2004) Discussion > is it really like that?

is it really like that?

the horrible bit underground with all the proper looneys.
i have some questions about it
- do they really have those bits in real asylums?
- if they do, how do they go to the toilet?
- how do the wardens give them food?
- how do they wash?
and just what everyone thought about it, i kniw its stupid but it intregued me and freaked me out.
Thannk you if anyone replies

I'm GeorgiaAlexandra-JazzHands, nothing more, nothing less


No, it's really like that, at least it's not like that anywhere where there are half decent human rights laws. Some facilities are actually run and look very much like prisons with metal gates and cages separating sections and hallways.

High risk patients are kept locked away, usually heavily medicated and kept in complete, or near complete isolation a lot of the time (with the exception of therapy, dependant on the inmates behaviour and state at the time, since obviously if a patient has just had an 'episode' that day's/week's session is clealry out of the question.)

The patients would have toilet facilities in their rooms (think prison cell in many cases) and a lot of the time they had slots in the door that can be slid open with meals pushed through, depending on what level of risk and isolation the patient is held under.

While they might be kept in the basement, it's unlikely as usually there are facilities strictly for high risk patients. In a place where this isn't the case, the basement is usually the best place for them, but it would have to be a finished basement a look almost exactly like the rest of the facility, sterile, but with higher security.

You have to keep in mind though that the patients are 'high risk' and with homicidal maniacs, usually containment is more so the issue than treatment.



{My face, on your crotch!}


Wish I could visit somewhere like that :)

