MovieChat Forums > Madhouse (2004) Discussion > Question about one of the 'High Risk' pa...

Question about one of the 'High Risk' patients

I don't know, maybe I missed something while I was watching this movie, but how the hell is a torso a 'high risk' patient? 'High risk' generally means that the person is a flight risk, a danger to themselves, or to the people around them. I can't really see a TORSO running away from a facility, wether it has any form of security or not, injuring themselves in anyway (except maybe say, rolling themselves down the stairs. . .) and unless someone gets within biting range, it's not very likely that they're apt to hurt others. So, why exactly was the guy who was just a torso 'high risk'?


Yeah. that was pretty stupid. or maybe someone who eats his own limbs? i seriously don't want to know.


My friend had a newt that ate it's own arm once. . . and its sibling


That is sick!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


That is what I stated is some sick individual would more than likely think of ways to state why that corpse would be a high risk. Plus, I also stated that when the body decays it would not be very healthy to have laying around with other patients walking around it. Just think of the disease that could spread from that?

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


I was DEFINITELY thinking the same thing. In my opinion, I think it was just used for a kind of shock tactic. I haven't read what anyone else said in response, so maybe they have a more convincing answer.


It definitely was a great shock factor in the film all right!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!


I watched the movie again this summer with my dad and friend, and we discovered that the Torso does have arms, he's just in a straight jacket. I still don't see how he could be considered high risk. Unless he like, hides under a bed and cuts someone achilles tendons. . .


Yes,he does has arms.
What if he goes out and start biting ppl like a possessed dog?????
He is creepy.

Limbonic Art - Legacy of evil
Watain - Sworn To The Dark
Ministry - The Last Sucker


Well, they did say in the beginning that the patients there were considered dangerous. I'd assume this means that not only are they a danger to others, but a danger to themselves.

And really, for all we know, he entered the facility with legs and amputated them. And you know, some people are freaky freaky insane and do NOT belong in general population.


He was in a straight jacket and it looked like he picked at his face a lot the first time he was shown. The other scenes he was hopping around and nothing was wrong with his face. I thought he was pretty cool the first time I saw him but then it looked like they just wanted to put in 'freaky' scenes with him hopping around.


i figured out he has chopepd his own legs off to get there. there are self mutilating people liek that. he was in straightjacked, he had arms you know.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for enough good men to do nothing.


He could be used to harm others by swinging his arms, legs, and I am sure some other sick way that someone else could think of. Plus, eventually the body would decay and that would not be healthy at all to have around.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans!
