I saw it

I saw it at the Sasquatch! premier - no joke. Wayne came out, introduced himself, and played a series of interviews regarding the film.

The movie was brilliant and terrifying--just like Eraserhead meets 2001. It was painfully loud and the back of the tickets were designed as acid blotter paper.

Anyone there with me?


Sadly, I was at Sasquatch and got screwed by the system in place for seeing the movie. We went over to the movie tent in the afternoon, and they didn't tell us we'd need tickets. We came back for the first screening and they said that you needed a ticket and that if we wanted to see the next screening we'd have to come after the first one was over. well, they gave out those tickets after seeing how many people lined up for the first screening so we couldn't have seen it that way. We tried asking the ticket-taker guy if he could squeeze us in, considering we were never told we'd needed tickets, but he was way too stoned to decide so we didn't get to see it.


jebus h. christ, i've been waiting for this movie since i first saw the trailer... ohhh... 2, 3 years ago? knowing it premiered at sasquatch! gives me renewed hope that someday, i may in fact see this film.

anne-marie, do the interns get glocks?


it was a little slow at times, but it was an enjoyable, drugged-up experience for me when I saw it at Bonnaroo

I also got to meet Wayne after he gave his intro. That was really awesome
