So I talked to Wayne

After the (amazing) set at Bonnaroo, Wayne, like the magnificent guy he is, spent a few moment chatting with me and some of my fellow alien dancers. He said with great conviction that this movie would be finished, not necessarily released, but finished by November 26. He's set it up to coincide with the date some scientists in Switzerland or something have announced their plans to create an artificial miniature black hole that will most likely be completely harmless, but possesses the tiniest fraction of a possibility of killing us all. I haven't found any articles about the black hole, so I'm not sure on all the facts surrounding that, but that's what he said.


Their set at Bonnaroo was amazing. That white balloon that Wayne blew up and the crowd followed with laser pointers was awesome. It was my first Lips show, and I was tripping balls on some great shrooms. What a night.

That's awesome that you got to be an Alien dancer for the Flaming Lips. How did you land that gig?


Actually, this was my second time. The first was really easy. I made friends with the Animal Wrangler on myspace and a few days before they came to St. Louis, he posted a bulletin searching for dancers. I responded, he asked for my number and called me before the show to tell me where to meet him to get my dancer's pass. At the 'Roo, I was just standing there in the front row about 2 hours before the Lips started when the same guy walked by, pointed at me and said "I remember you" we talked for a bit and he asked me if I wanted to be an alien again. I'd have to say that being remembered was the coolest part. Other than getting Steven Drozd to sign my pants.

Hey, I'm glad you had a good time. My first show was literally life-changing. If you get a chance, try it without the shrooms sometime. The shows a trip in and of itself. :)


I was totally sober and that show messed me up. We grabbed two balloons after the set and after the longest game of don't-touch-the-ground with them, we finally let them go at Sasha and John Digweed.

I had one of those moments of clarity that people talk about from time to time, where all the weird confusion and discomfort that you carry around with yourself just dissappears, and for a moment all your senses are completely unclouded. Suddenly it was like the line between me and everyone and everything else in the world just sort of melted and I was just part of everything, rather than standing alone. Does that make sense? I hope it does. It caught me off guard, though, took down my defenses and next thing I knew I was in love with the boy next to me (a friend, not a stranger or anything. Though that would be a pretty cool story too!)

I'm still messed up from it, man.


First show? and are you planning on seeing any of the shows this fall? I'm definitely going to he one in Chicago.


i am so going to the chicago show. maybe i'll see you there dancing alien girl


I was at the Dfest show in Tulsa and the Zoo show in OKC when they filmed the DVD and it was amazing. Then back in June they had a screening of the DVD in OKC and I got to meet Wayne there. Then just last week when the DVD was released I was at the release party at Guestroom Records in OKC and got to sit in on a Q&A with Wayne. As far as The Flaming Lips are concerned this has been a great year and change.


I still can't forget the girl that was sitting behind me. Don't remember her name, but I know she was from Idaho.


It's only been a year and some months since the post, but I figured I'd add some info, in case you never found what you were looking for: What he's talking about is the Large Hadron Collider near Geneva. It's purpose wasn't to create black holes, though that is the tiniest of possibilities. It's purpose is to find out how the universe started, which I think is equally amazing. Just thought I'd put that up, in case anyone was wondering. It's probably in the news now enough that people know, but just in case...
