MovieChat Forums > Zatôichi (2003) Discussion > Any other movies like this

Any other movies like this

i really like this movie and i want some suggestions for a movie with similar theme like samurais and ancient japan.

Any suggestions ?

You're gonna like this guy; he's all right. He's a goodfella. He's one of us


Other movies like this? God I hope not. Dude.. You want good movies go buy the original series on DVD. I reccomend Zatoichi meets Yojimbo.


Yeah, Zatoichi meats Yojimbo was excellent, mind you if you haven't seen any other samurai movies then check out some of the classics esspecialy Seven Samurai and Yojimbo. However I warn you they're both part of the Criterion Collection and cost about 60 bucks (canadian).


If you liked this, you might want to check out the 20 something other Zatoichi movies done by Shintaro Katsu. They were quite a bit better in my opinion.
