MovieChat Forums > Zatôichi (2003) Discussion > Was O-Sei a male prostitute, or just pos...

Was O-Sei a male prostitute, or just pose as one and kill clients?

He was the one who dressed as a woman. If you look at the flashback scene, you'll see O-Sei and O-Kinu, the two children in the house of someone that took them in after their family was murdred. In the house, they're eating and a woman comes in and tells O-Sei the master wants to see him, then she smack the food out of O-Kinu's hands and tells her to clean it up. She does so, then peeks in on O-Sei and the master. The master dresses O-Sei in a girl's kimono and says "If you do everything I tell you, you can be my special friend." Yeah, okay there, kiddie raper.

In the next scene, the two siblings, still as kids, are sitting in front of a house when a man walks by. O-Sei approaches him and asks, "Do you want to spend time with me?" O-Sei and the man walk off. O-Sei comes back with some coins in his hand. So in that one scene, it's not known if he killed the man or performed a sex act.

In the scene where O-Kinu and O-Sei are introduced, they kill their client, the family clerk, but that was because he helped kill their family. Later on, they try to kill Zatoichi and Shinkichi, the man that Zatoichi met at the gambling hall. They had nothing to do with their family's deaths.

Then later, Shinkichi says he'll have a bath. O-Sei says he will too. I know it was common practice for men to bathe together back then. It continues even today, and in several Asian and Middle Eastern Countries. But they were in a small tub together. Also, Shinkichi asks why O-Sei dresses as a woman. O-Sei says he prefers to dress as a woman.

So with that, O-Sei could be...
1) male prostitute
2) posing as one to kill clients and take their money
3) a transvestite.

I'm learning towards a bit of both on the last two.



"(just look at him, for God's sake!)"

I was like Holy Frikking Frankenstein!! Ow wait it's a man....thank god



Should I type slowly for you aswell?



No reason to do so.



Dribbling....maybe but you really can't make sense of this?:

1. I was like Holy Frikking Frankenstein!!
1. Me getting scared sh*tless of thinking that might be a woman

2. Ow wait it's a man....thank god
2. Me finally finding out it is indeed a man....and thanking god for not making such manly women.

....oh, yeah, people don't really care that much about proper grammer on the internet. If you don't like it....suck my big one....medium


Actually, I didn't understand what you meant either.
At the end, someone tells O-Sei he will be able to go back to being a man, and he says he's fine the way he is, so I think he's a transvestite.


...well, duh, it's stated early in the movie that he is a man. Man + Dress = Transvestite/very drunk guy



Maybe the clients (being men) were too embarrassed at being tricked by a pair of geishas to admit it. lol. And they were probably drunk/intoxicated and so would not remember what happened at all. Who knows?

That is an amusing quote, Landor28. Can you please tell me what book or movie that quote is from? Thank you very much. =)

Hey look! You can't see a thing!


yes, they were moving all the time.
remember at the beginning they were shown at a resting point by the road (like rest area on US highways)





lol, thanks landor28.

I've never seen 7Samurai... I hear it's a good film, though.
Hey look! You can't see a thing!


Darkelf, if you've never seen Seven Samurai, drop everything, cancel all engagements, and watch it. Now.


...and he says he's fine the way he is...
I think that is Kitano's humour as is goes contrary to what the viewer would have expected the answer to be. I liked the way the brother delivered the line

BTW it appears that Daigoro Tachibana is quite big in Japan:


He was a male, and he did it for the money as a child, but began to pose as a geisha to find his parents killer.

Also, according to some Samurai books I have read, homosexuality was an accepted part of the culture.


I understood that O-sei was pretending to be a woman.

In the house, when he ran out on the man to save his sister, I understood that they were running away. (The next scene shows them outside.) I didn't think that the dirty old man got anything more than what we saw.

When he whores himself out as a boy ("Do you want to spend time with me?"), they seem deparate and the boy tries to protect his siter by doing what he can't aske her to do. He couldn't have overpowered the man alone, so he must have performed the "services." Perhaps the man didn't care that he was a boy. Perhaps the boy performed the service with his mouth or hand so the man never found out. It's also concievable that the man found out that he was a boy and gave some coins in pitty. (Though O-sei's tear would tend to disuade me from thinking that.)

I agree with others that they weren't necessarilly going to kill Zatoichi and Shinkichi.

As an adult, I think that we are supposed to believe that O-sei is passing as a woman. Remember that it was only Zatoichi, with his heightened sense of smell, that figured out that O-sei is a man. This seems to come as a surprise to everyone else.

Perhaps, overtime, this charade, which started at an impressionable age, has given O-sei a gender identy problem which is why he thinks of himself as a woman and prefers to dress that way.

To put it into the terms of your question, I would say that O-sel was transvestite, who is posing as a female Geisha (to rob and avenge), who may have had to resort to male prosititution from time to time.



going back to the scene in which the young O-Sei went with the older dude, i'm guessing that perhaps he pleasured him orally (to put it politely), because there is no indication at all that the guy knew it was a boy, there was no "OMFG!" type screaming or anything either.
another thing that makes me think the transaction was delt with orally is that he also kinda has a flat chin...



I just watched this last night. Yeah that was a sad creepy scene. I noticed when he came back with the coins the front of his new Kimono has fresh dirt or leaf mulch on the chest area I think what ever happened he was face down in the ally.

I was reading about Geisha after watching another movie last week (Guess what one) and before the formation of classic geisha there were traveling male "Bards" who did the dancing and singing and story telling. And later after a civil war there was a lot of highly educated disposed woman of the samurai class who became similar entertainers and high end Prostitutes and mistresses

I was miffed the two Geisha (Actually prostitutes of the 6th or 7th rank who imitate geisha) did not get to stab any one in the fight near the end when they went to the house the second time they should at least got to stab one person apiece. In my script for the “the Seven Samurai chicks and the 47 Loyal Roniko” there is also a Geisha/Ninja who goes all house of flying daggers on some one


You have to remember that back then things were different. There was no "OMFG" type screaming because back then it was acceptable to sleep around with young boys. Pedastry was a huge thing in the past.


Just like to add that as the line is, off the top of my head,

すみません、私を買ってください or something similar, a better translation would be "excuse me sir, would you please buy me?"

Definitely seemed that he was selling himself, maybe based on that he had learned about his appeal from the old man before.


In ancient Japanese culture homosexuality was not condemned. It was encouraged perticularly among monks who were sworn to cellibacy with women -bit of a paradox, really. I thought being cellibate meant no sex, ever. Pretty boys were opportuned just as often as girls and the boys often wore makeup and dressed like Geishas to attract attention.

O-Sei was forced into prostitution as a boy and grew up that way. But he also uses his feminine allure as a disguise to get closer to his targets. A trick used by the first 'ninja', prince Yamamoto Take who dressed as a woman so he could sneak into an enemy camp and assassinate its bandit leaders.

