
Zatoichi - is there much blood like Lone Wolf, Lady Snowblood and Hanzo?


it's completely cgi and you really can tell. it looks pretty unreal


Yeah lots very CGI looking blood - and very CGI gore too. Some CGI blood as an extra effect can be OK but when both gore and blood are just CGI it does tend to lessen the effect I reckon.


the blood in this movie is poetic and it works so damn well



Nothing in this film is meant to look real.

Kambei of the Descending Gormful Bedafter Gumi.


Meh - each to their own but the over done CGI blood 'n gore kinda spoilt an otherwise good film for me. I like my blood spurts and gore old school - just my preference.

Hardly made it more poetic or surreal - bad CGI has the opposite effect to my mind.


I kinda liked it, they could've probably polished it a little better to make it actually look realistic as far as blood goes as a substance, and still be over the top with it spraying everwhere in huge amounts. I'm sure they knew it would come off as stylized and ridiculous looking though, some people like that, so it's not like they half assed it or anything.
