This Time Around SOAP Sun, Nov 15 8:00pm display in grid
A winning romance about two best friends (Carly Pope, Sara Rue) who attempt to get even with a guy for playing a cruel prank on them 11 years before, in junior high. Drew: Brian A. Green.

This Time Around will be on the SOAP net channel on 11-15-09 @ 8pm!


AHH I'm so excited! They played Pizza My Heart tonight which was also an ABC Family movie and I loved it! I hope SoapNet will air all of those great romantic comedies that ABC Family refuses to.


Omg I"ve been putting it in my seach engine every once in awhile on my dvr and it found it tonight and I am freaking out. So happy I didnt miss it. I dont have a recordable vcr anymore, but my mom does and she will do it for me , also recording it dvr ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
