Its not for the movie!

Its for the manga, u see kakihara with 1 leg running away from ichi in the beginning-> thats the final fight between ichi and kakihara in the manga.

and the rest was great, it helps great to understand why ichi ichi is!


Its one Arm not one Leg!


I just saw it. Didn't realize it was anime. Ordered from Blockbuster ONline. Very thorough explanation of Ichi's motivation and fears.



I just found it was a HUGE tease. First you see Kakihara stick his pin through Ichi's nose and I'm like "I remember this!!!" I got so excited seeing the manga animated but it was so short. I understand this is all about Ichi and why he is who he is... but this just made me want to see the entire manga animated. What I wouldn't give for that to be made...


For the Movie you should watch 1-Ichi the real Prequel!!

