Briefcase SPOILER

One thing I thought was strange-after the briefcase gets stolen, they dont even think to suspect that Hannigan might have organised the theft.


I don't have the scene present in my mind right now. I only saw 'Criminal' once because it was just too bad to watch (unlike the original film 'Nueve Reinas' -9 Queens-).
Yet I saw '9 Queens' over a dozen times and remember each scene in detail.
What I can tell you about this scene is based on '9 Queens'. Since 'Criminal' is a remake (despite it's a really bad adaptation) I think it might help you to know that in Argentina (where '9 Queens' is from) is not unnatural to have 'briefcases and purses thieves' in downtown. In '9 Queens' the scene where the briefcase it's stolen comes out as completely natural... there's nothing to wonder nor suspect, is just plain reality... if you have the briefcase facing the street instead of the buildings is very likely that a motorcycle will show up and take it away from you. In 'Criminal' probably they tried to maintain the same modus operandi, maybe they didn't filmed the scene with enough detail (I do remember noticing that 'Criminal' wasn't as meticulous as 'Nueve Reinas') or maybe your wondering is more related with the cultural difference which could lead to different interpretations and speculations over a scene.

~Dream: Don't rush to master the 'how' (technique) & then brush past or forget the 'why' (meaning)


The whole scene was ruined anyway by the fact that the briefcase switches hands in a split second so that he's holding it on his right side when the thief runs past him.

Thats a weird place for a horn... Thats not a horn
