Thoughts on Cautiva

One, I loved the movie, especially since the only thing I really knew about Argentina prior to this, was what I saw/read about in 'Evita' and also because the acting was superb. I did some research on the topic of the 'Dirty War' and the disappeared and will get some other movies that were recommended.

Two, I couldn't get over how much Barbara Lombardo looks like a young Penelope Cruz. She is a beautiful girl and I'm sure we will see more from here in the future.

Three, I was under the impression that the parents DID know about Cristina's birth and her parents. Her godfather arranged the adoption with Pablo,her father. I know it is doubtful (I replayed it a few times) but I wondered if the mystery woman in the delivery room was her Adela, her mother. Also, why was her classmate thrown out of the Catholic school for mouthing off about government and cover-ups? Was it a government-run parochial school? I don't know much about the government or schools there.

Looking for some insights opinions/thoughts/comments on the movie and my ideas. I generally see so many discussions of movies on IMDB that I never comment, so I was surprised there so few threads for 'Cautiva'.

I recommend this movie for those who like a breath of fresh air/anti-commercial release. I enjoy Independents and foreign films/shows as a break from the junk that is generally in most theaters.

