my solution

kill Arlington once he shows up and opens the briefcase. don't push the button, destroy the box.


Kill Arlington once he shows up and opens the briefcase. don't push the button, destroy the box.

Seems viable. "An intruder was trying to force his way in. It looked like he was trying to pull a gun, so I shot him twice in the face with the shotgun I keep by the door."

Found an IMDB troll? Remember:
The best thing you can do is report + ignore them.


& I live in Georgia so that defense would work with any judge here ?


most likely. just say that you had to defend your property.


"An intruder was trying to force his way in. It looked like he was trying to pull a gun, so I shot him twice in the face with the shotgun I keep by the door."

"Oh, Officer, did i mention that he looked already like a monster before i shot him twice in the face with my sawed off shotgun? What do you mean what was in the briefcase? N...nothing, it was empty. He was reaching for nothing i guess, what do i know? Jesus."

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


Wouldn't work. He would be replaced by someone else to do the same job. If the box was destroyed, it likely would count as if the button was pushed (although I don't understand how the button caused someone to die. It looked like it was all part of a plan by the aliens that was revealed at the end when he killed his wife.).

"Cum Grano Salis"


You'd be the best contestant in "Who wants to be a millionaire" trying to break the presenter's neck and run away with the fake money on display before he even asked the first question.

I'll be at the back entrance with the engine running. I looove fake money.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


I have a better solution yet:

You do everything as they did in the movie, but at the end when Arlington hands you the gun, you blast the bathroom door open and shoot your son many times in the spine while shouting "I. LOVE. YOU. SON!", one word per bullet.

You rationalize by telling yourself that your son was a collateral victim of the alien's sick game, that you did everything that you could and with the money you build a diamond shrine with the words "Hero" and "Hihi" sculpted in it to honor him.

You are still young and can make other kids, but this time around you're a better human being because you're rich and can welcome him in a limited edition Gucci cradle with a platinum rattle containing real fossilized monkey bones to nurture early on his sense of rhythm.

Not to mention, your wife is Cameron Diaz and your son, who was he again?
Exactly, nobody. It's not like it was Jaden Smith or something.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


Wow; that's cold-blooded! I couldn't imagine standing on a cliff edge with you behind me! 

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7


Don't worry, as long as you have less than a dollar in your pockets at all times, i'm perfectly non-lethal. But if i hear coins tingling, you better be running.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs
