Ridiculously fake

This show is just sooo fake that to try and sell and as anything other than an entertainment show , is just wrong.

Even Yvette says so herself...

She knows Derek is a faker... she calls him a fake bas*ard...and admits possessions aren't real.


"All credibility, all good conscience, all evidence of truth come only from the senses." FN


You're wrong, it's not fake actually but it helps the opinion to be closeminded... She's not talking about him.


Ok it's real then and Derek Ackorah can talk to the dead...

Whatever mate.

The show is a joke...as is Derek.

"All credibility, all good conscience, all evidence of truth come only from the senses." FN


This 'fake show' exposed Derek years ago. Good to see you have your finger on the pulse.

Only those with no valid argument pick holes in people's spelling and grammar.



I can - it's extremely funny, real or not. For those of us with a sense of humour at least.


No randon, there's no proof of anything with that tired old clip.

Only those with no valid argument pick holes in people's spelling and grammar.


It's hard to be fake when nothing happens other then running around and screaming at everything. Doesn't make it less fun though. Plus you get a little history lesson with it. I watch it when I'm going to bed . Knocks me right out.
