not a homophobe

this film had a very large theme of homosexuality. from the boy scout scene on it was littered with homo content. when they started making out in the hotel room i had to turn it off. i enjoyed the movie up until that scene, but once all the penis and balls came into play, (two separate scenes)it was just too much. the coulda just showed him coming out of the shower it woulda got the same point across, yes prok saw some balls and was aroused.


There just body parts. We all have them.


It's not the film, it's the portrayal of Kinsey accurately. That his desire was aroused and he was forced to acknowledge his own sexual gray area (bisexual). You seem terribly unsophisticated. You should watch the movie. You might learn something. And as for body parts it wasn't porn. It's just the human body. I mean seriously. You just seem terribly, terribly unsophisticated posting what you posted here.


The OP is probably 12 years old. So there's still hope....


Well, let's not get carried away. The depiction of Kinsey in this film was hardly "accurate", but your general point is sound. You don't need to exaggerate to make it.

"Do you realise that Otto spelled backwards is Otto?"



You're pathetic! So, you have to turn a movie off because you saw male genitals? Do you have to run out of the showers at the gym if another man enters because you get freaked out be seeing other naked guys?

What's up with that? Scared you'll get a woody?

This post shows something: you're completely and utterly threatened by homosexuality, to the extent that you can't even see another man naked without freaking out.

Get over yourself.

"but ya ARE Blanche! Ya ARE in that chair!!"


You're a homophobe.


Do you guys think you're being helpful or educational by responding to the OP this way?


From the grammar used in his post, he's clearly a lower level male.



There is no need to mock or get annoyed with someone who finds watching sexual content involving the same sex uncomfortable.

I hate to break the news to any gay people that haven't realised this yet, but most straight people find homosexual acts difficult to witness. This is not about homophobia or intolerance or any political issues, it is about visceral human reactions. The same drive that makes straight people find the opposite sex attractive makes them find the same sex neutral in non sexual scenarios and 'yucky' in sexual situations. Yucky was the only word I could find that wasn't too strong!

It actually takes education, intelligent reasoning and insight to realise that same sex relationships are perfectly natural FOR THE PEOPLE INVOLVED, which is why most homophobes are morons, racist and violent as well. Have you ever met a really nice, wonderful person that was also homophobic? I don't think they exist.

I just wish some gay and holier-than-thou people would realise that while the concept of homosexuality and same sex relationships are fine and dandy and great and all that, the physicality of it is off-putting to witness and takes people time to get used to.

Though why any straight person would feel the need to get used to witnessing homosexual sex I don't know.

So don't let us get on our high horses when someone quite reasonably says they find watching images of a homosexual nature difficult to endure. It absolutely does not say anything about them as a person or their political/social/religious views on anything.


But it DOES say something about them; they're haters - for all the wrong reasons - and that is not right, such people are not nice.



good point diorlouboutin


I am a straight male and I fully support the rights and freedoms for people to do as they please with consensual adults. This in no way means that I am fully reasonable and and unhindered when it comes to male homosexuals behaving as loving couples do.

This has mostly to do with exposure. The more I see it and experience it around me, the more I'll become accustomed and adjusted to it. In my corner of the world, it is rarely out in public. It has less to do with homophobia and more to do with seeing examples of it consistently. So I encourage gays to hold hands and kiss in public. Only then will the rest of the world grow accustomed to their presence and activities.

Some days, you just can't get rid of a bomb! (Batman 1966)


Harlesden, sorry but TRULY (secure) heterosexual people don't get upset about homosexuality, closet homosexuals do. It stirs up things they don't understand and usually don't want to understand. Then the denial begins. Then the obsession. Then the self-loathing. Then the hatred for their fellow man...

At some point, they make posts titled "not a homophobe"


You are so right on the money and you explained it perfectly well, i have to agree.
Having a repulsed reaction towards homosexual behavior/intercourse doesn't make you homophobic, just heterosexual. I'm a guy and it does repulse me as well, not to the point i have to turn the tv off, but it's definitely not pleasant to watch and i don't consider myself homophobic at all <i have gay friends and we often discuss about that>. I think it's just a natural response dictated by the brain who can't fathom.

As for the answer of JackMorrissey-1, i'm really disappointed, i respected you since you you defended Kinsey on another thread against conservative morons quoting Judith reisman and stuff but your reaction here is clearly childish. Let me kindly remind you that not everybody's native language is english on IMDB, there are people from every corner of the world and they do their best speaking YOUR language, so show some respect, you can't judge people on their "grammar", specially not here! My mother tongue is french and i know my grammar is far from perfect <i speak 4 languages> and i don't care as long the meaning comes through.


"People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs"


"Have you ever met a really nice, wonderful person that was also homophobic?"

Do Mormons count?

