Boba Fett?!?

How could Boba Fett be alive?!? I thought he fell in a deadly pit in "Return Of The Jedi"!


The sarlaac found him somewhat indigestable, he blasted his way out with either his jetpack or some grenades and was found half dead by another bounty hunter. Needless to say he's back...


Yeah, he escaped from the Sarlaac pit. He then gave everyone the idea that he was still dead and got himself a new ship.


Any True Star Wars Fan Knows That Boba Fett Can Never Really Die. He's Too Cool.
That Is Until Jango Fett Came Along. Then It Destroyed The Whole Mystery Surrounding Boba.



The books covered it. Boba got out and I believe had his own book trilogy after that incident.


Fett sucks and since the books aren't canon, Fett is still dead


I know, I know, it's a little late to respond but, if the books are canon how can Fett still be dead?

"Keep your friends close, and your enemies in a barbeque pit." Nines, VTM: Bloodlines


He/she meant to type "aren't".

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


I thought that was kinda weird.

By the way did anyone manage to kill him? Just out of curiousity.

He always barbecued me when I got near him with my Lightsaber, so I blasted the crap out of him with my concussion rifle but he just flew away and came back a few minutes later.


As I understand it, George Lucas was asked about Boba's miraculous escape in an interview, and responded that he had " problem with it..."

What I can say with 100% certainty is that, in the commentary track on the Return of the Jedi DVD, he acknowledges the various novels' use of Boba, and said nothing contradictory. IMHO, his comments actually sounded like an endorsement, though a somewhat vague one.

