MovieChat Forums > Scary Movie 4 (2006) Discussion > Scary Movie 5 Could Be A Return To Form....

Scary Movie 5 Could Be A Return To Form...

This year there is Friday The 13th and Halloween 2 coming out, and i believe A Nightmare On Elm Streets remake is coming out next year, BUT the movie that is the most likely to return this movie to it's originals standards is SCREAM 4 which is also coming out in 2010! So with that movie coming out Ghostface is going to be very popular once again and what would be better than having ghostface return to the Scary Movie! Also there is many horror films coming out before 2011 so there should be plenty of ideas they could get! Discuss.


Peter: No im just exhausted coz ive been up all night drinking.


Hell yes, I would love Ghostface to return to the Scary Movie series. However, I'd like the comedic style be more like it was in the third and fourth movies.

Death Race (2008) - 7/10
I Love You, Man - 9/10


Are they making a scary movie 5????

That would be sweet!!


They should also return it to 18's.

One of the best things about the first 2 was the sex gags. Plus, now that Anna's bacome more open in those sort of roles, they could really run with it.


They should spoof the classic horror films, with all the remakes of Friday the 13th, Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street coming out.
