Why kill off George?

I thought George made a nice addition to the franchise. Why kill him off in favor of that god awful Tom Cruise ripoff? Although it was all comedy, I felt really bad for Cindy when George died right in front of her, and she looked so helpless crying out "George! Nooooo!" as she reached out for him.

It was really unfair to kill off George. Hopefully he pulls a Brenda and returns alive & well in Scary Movie 5.

tRuE sTAR LeGEnd


Maybe the actor had a tight schedule and couldn't take a leading role?

Neither love interest was all that great anyway.

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Simon Rex? Tight schedule? Seriously?

I have nothing against the guy, but he's no high-in-demand actor. I'd buy that Craig Bierko had a tight schedule for SM5 before I would Simon Rex with SM4.

tRuE sTAR LeGEnd

