
Okay so after Aviva has the abortion the doctor is talking to her parents (they're crying), it makes it sound like Aviva died because the lining of her uterus teared. Did she die and the whole thing was a dream?

Is there something I'm missing about the story that has to do with this?


did you watch the rest of the movie?...

well, if you didn't, aviva never died. what happened was that the doctor had to perform a hysterectomy on aviva due to complications (i.e. the doctor had to remove aviva's uterus/womb). so it wasn't a dream, it's just that the drugs were probably wearing off and she was slipping in and out of consciousness as the doctor and parents were talking. everyone was upset b/c they knew they just forced her to abort their only chance of a biological grandchild and basically ruined their daughter's desire to ever have babies again.

Hollywood films = how we want the world to be.
Independent films = how the world really is.
