It's Obvious That.........

None of the participants in this film ever went to acting school but you would think at least they would have been briefed.


I take it your the all knowing one on 'how to act'. In my opinion, it was a strong cast and they did a great job. Some (extras) were thrown in at the last minute, when hired ones did not show up. Glen and the lead female's Tanya and Lana did a wonderful job.
I bet you have a lousy outlook on life. At least these people go for their dreams. They are not cowards, afraid to try and succeed at something.

Showtime and the SCi-Fi channel must have thought it worthy. It's been on at least once a week every month since it's debut.

That's more that alot of movie makers can say.

Edited because, I can not type. :)


You go, girl!! It bothers me that critics, and fans in particular, are so nasty in their "reviews". Good criticism is always welcome, but seeing how funny and insulting you can be is just useless, and most fanboys pride themselves on how clever and insulting they can be. If you didn't enjoy it or you thought the acting was bad, SAY SO.


Well said. I admit that I have wanted to scribble "le mot juste" rather being 'just' when a film insulted me.
And I have kicked a few films around on the site. But given that this is a sword-and-sorcery tale, I say that the cast did just fine. The actors picked up on the wit in the script, it seemed to me. (BTW, that "let's-get-a-bite" scene in that blood-splattered apartment was hilarious).

Anyway, there are plenty of big-name films with buckets of ACCHHTING! in them, and are twice as comical for it - unintentionally. I watched GUARDIAN to the end - oh, and Dempsey's last scene was rather touching. So there.


OK, karma-rich, boy OR girl, I don't know, but you go anyway!!


Iz guy. And while I am at it, the opening of the demon knight's mouth, showing the human-like teeth, was brilliant - and the transfer of 'ick' hit me like I was watching an inverse Egyptian ceremony, where they released "ka" from the dead pharaoh's mouth. Not bad, Weed.


What a tired load of mouse poop!!! Nobody and I mean NOBODY had a friggin' clue!! From the director down to the prop guy (who were probably both the same guy Ha! Ha!!)
What a cheap production!!! UGH!!!

