
Was it just me, or was this film an ode to homosexuality? The ongoing "milky liquid" motif, men becoming women, the mob boss with the anal fixation, "shedding" one's old skin to become someone new,the re-birth from female into male again,happy discussions about circumcision, and of course our protaganists fixation with his brother. There are many others, too. Qiute the wild ride of a movie. Very strange, but compelling.


I'd have to say this is probably my favorite Miike movie so far then Audition. The whole Cow Head thing freaked me out a bit, and that American girl obviously speaking from cue-cards was hilarious. Not your typical Miike movie. Also to answer your question, I didn't really think it was an ode to homosexuality. Bizarre? Yes, and ode to Homosexuality? No, I didn't think so.


Well I sorta agree, and lets not forget about the constant cock references. Also what about an ode to incest?


Rather than being about homosexuality, I felt this was a film about rebirth. The images of the cock, the mother's milk and the cow are all fertility symbols. Sort of reminded me of something by David Cronenberg.

Cock references proliferate in his earlier films including some hilarous pixilation in the Dead or Alive films. Both incest and mothers milk were themes extensively covered in Visitor Q.



Well, he actually calls his Ani or Ani-ke o Ani-san, which are Japanese terms for elder brother... so I don't really know if you're right, I actually think they are ani and otouto.


Well, they aren't related. By calling Ozaki "Brother" he's showing his elder respect, which is basically standard in a close-knit Yakuza setting.

I didn't pick up any homosexuality themes. I did pick up Minami's devotion to Ozaki as an elder, or a mentor, but that was it.


I´m from Argentine and would like to have this movie, but i can´t spend one cent in it... would you like if you send me ?? if yes, i will thanks you for ever and wen you visit Argentine i`m going to invite a good wine from here.
Thanks, see you. Damián.


Tengo Gozu en cd. Si te interesa mandame un mail a [email protected]




I picked up themes of motherhood in this movie, somehow. The mother's milk, the female Ozaki giving birth to the male Ozaki... perhaps it's just a family theme?

This is why I love this movie. People can get so many different things out of it.

BTW, does anyone think that Gozu has the most disturbing sex scene ever in a movie?


1: Holy cow this movie reminded me of cronenburg... my whole day is messed up with that stupid feeling of surreality that follows mr cronenburgs films.

2: I saw the themes that you all are talking about, Homosexuality, the mother, rebirth (hard to miss that one), and they are all pretty much miike standard fare. Which in my mind makes him the best director out there.

3: as for the most disturbing sex scene? Hell no, theres another miike movie called silver that pretty much takes the cake. Its funny that i dont think that very many Miike "enthusiasts" have seen it and they SHOULD! It has the worst ending in any movie ever (by worst i mean anti climatic sheesh what the hell does "that woman" mean?)

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."


He also has that bizzare hermaphrodite sex scene in Fudoh.

And the numerous rape scenes in Ichi the Killer.

And the way Kakihara gets off to almost every sort of pain in a sexual manner in Ichi.

Damn you, Miike, you brilliant bastard!


I can seriously say i didnt expect her to screw her teacher in fudoh, but when she was taking a pee standing up on the side of the road near the begining miike pretty much gave it away.

Full metal Yakuza is another great miike film, in fact its got the second wierdest ending in one of his movies ( i still maintain that silver is the weirdest ending ive ever seen. i almost had a brain aneurysm sheesh )

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."
