About the new DVD...

I noticed that a new version in coming out in july. I really want to buy this movie and I just want to know if it's worth waiting to get the new version?


Where did you see that there is a new DVD release of Gozu? Do you know what region it is?


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Well on amazon.com it says it is being released on August 11th 2009. Apparently it is the directors cut version. Not to sure what the difference between the original and directors cut will be but if anyone finds out any new info on it be sure to post it!

Hopefully theres some cool stuff on this release, as Gozu is my favorite Miike film. Luckily the old Gozu dvd had some cool special features, i enjoyed the interviews and commentary very much. I hope that there will be subtitled audio commentary by Takashi Miike on this release.

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There were some images on the back of my DVD box that didn't seem to appear in the film. The cow-man sitting on a car seemed to be one.

Hope there is a directors cut. This, along with 'Tale of Two Sisters' were my 2 favourite films last year.
