2 observations I've made (spoilers)


I'm writing an essay about the music in Gozu and Visitor Q and have made 2 observations in Gozu that I've never seen anybody else talk about.

1. When Ozaki tells Minami about the yakuzacar, he takes of his sunglasses and tells Minami "If something happens to me, you know what to do". Seconds before he says that I swear you can hear the sound of Ozaki unzipping his pants (at least you can hear a unzipping sound). This leads me to think that Ozaki is already telling Minami to put the crotchless panties on female Ozaki in order to bring him back.

2. When Minami is at the carpress and is standing and looking at the guy who is browsing the different tattoed bodies. There is something written on the plastic courtain that sepparates the two rooms from each other (Minami is standing outside the room full of bodies and looking in through the plastic courtain). You can se "Who is he" written on the plastic courtain. What this means, I don't know.


I noticed one more thing.

There is a presence of the sound of a crying baby on various occasions throughout the movie. In one scene I think it becomes clear that the crying baby is foreshadowing the return of Ozaki.

It's when Kazu is getting beaten by his sister with the whip. The sister says that Kazu is possessed by a spirit that speaks through Kazu's mouth and that the spirit may be able to tell Minami where Ozaki is. The first thing that is heard when the sister beats Kazu is a baby crying/screaming (I think the scream closely resembles the sound of child birth).


great observations... you've given me something to think about
