MovieChat Forums > Gokudô kyôfu dai-gekijô: Gozu (2004) Discussion > The guy in the bra died three years earl...

The guy in the bra died three years earlier?

In the scene where Nose is sitting saying to the main charcter 'I'm scared'...Nose says to the main character that the owner of the coffee shop, the guy who wore the black bra, had been dead for three years and was killed in a car accident, then he appeared infront of them...

Whats that all about?

'The greastest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.'


the cowhead is, in japanese folklore a messenger from hell. if we take this as given in the film then the hotel where it appears could be interpreted as a gateway to hell - thus we have the guy who died three years earlier appearing... and ozaki spending the night and disappearing (he went down into hell) not quite sure why the dead guy came back to open a cafe though...


...not quite sure why the dead guy came back to open a cafe though...
Maybe he saw a gap in the market


you guys are thinking too much into. Miike just makes his films weird so people will be confused. he does a good job of it, because people are writing huge film essays on him. but his work is not devine like everyone thinks.



I disagree, I definitely think Miike leaves a few clues around the film for people to make some sense of the plot. It's not just random surrealism.

He takes time to craft his images and use repetition. For example there are a few instances where you see a face behind a window that is split down the middle by a red line. Maybe it means nothing, but I think it's there for a reason.


Why did they cover their noses did the guy in the bra fart hahahaha?


He took a sh*t.


For me, the movie is one long dream sequence, with all the typical dream elements - people changing into other people, Minami being unable to act rationally(he's a Yakuza, for christ's sake!), dream characters telling information that has no effect on "plot" of the dream(such as the bra guy actually being a ghost or whatever) plus a healthy dose of sexuality that the awake you wouldn't agree with(sex with best friend in female body).

Actually, Gozu is one of the movies I've seen that portrayed dreams the best(with Inception being by far the worst, did those screenwriters ever HAVE a dream?) Good job Miike.
