

THAT was the nastiest way to go man! i was watching that bit with my hands over my face. that Miiki Takashi is some messed up guy. The way he slid down it just made me go DAMN!! (the noise effects were just too much!)

Is there a worse way to go??????



The old ladle-boss was making the same sound as the crazy girl in Audition. You know the "DI-DI-DI-DI-DI-DI" as he was about to pop.

I nearly died when I saw the labled ladle volcano stands! A ladle for every occassion. Dam! I mean who would even think of that! Just dam!

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I think there are plenty of worse ways to go! For example, it's possible to survive for a few days while being boiled in water. The death by ladle was comparatively merciful!

Or how about death by sandpaper? Bath of warm Drano? Vivisection? The imagination runs wild.

But yeah, you've got a point... Given the choice, I'd rather not die by lethal application of any kitchen utensils.


***************Spoilers for Full Meatl Yakuza***************

what about in Full Metal Yakuza when the woman has to bite off her own tounge so she chokes to death on the own blood to stop herself being raped.

but yeah i cringed so much in the ladle bit.


Death via slinky!


Don't knock it 'til you've tried it, dude!


did you hear about the gay guy who would break into a barn to have sex with horses. well this one horse was so big caused him to have internal bleeding and he died. true story. his roommate would do it with him.

life is short. Play.


actually, the man-dies-from-sex-with-a-horse story is even worse than what you've heard. There was a farm in the Pacific Northwest (I think it was Washington) where that guy, and countless others, would engage in such... ahem... behavior. After the guy died from the internal bleeding, the cops raided the ranch and found HOURS and HOURS of videotape chronicling their... ahem... escapades. I didn't see it, but the movie "Zoo" was about this poor degenerate bastard. It's supposedly a "tasteful" portrayal, but I wonder if that's really possible, and if it is, would it make good movie...
and just one more for good measure... ahem.

"But, hey, that's me, I could be wrong."


Personally I love a good ladle up my ass.


Just finished watching this movie for the first time and wow, what a bizzare film! The ladel part was really cringeworthy but for some reason I burst out laughing when he ran to the window with the ladel still up his ass and when he did that weird f'ed up smile when he was impaled... so crazy.

What did you just say? Say it again or I’ll break your other wrist! ~ Jack Bauer


i tried doesn't work. especially when you fall on it.

Brian, there's a message in my AlphaBits. It says "OOOOOO".
Peter, those are Cheerios.


I actually seen that tape or vid when it was circling on the net and I think you could find it if you look for it. When I first saw it, I actually thought it was some low level footage of a cartel torturing someone but then when I had found out the back story, that made me actually cringe. I for one, don't think you should play with animals like that.

And according to the movie, the boss didn't die from the ladle but by minami shocking him with the exposed cord. I took that scene to interpret that the boss has lived so long off the misery of others that his perversions drove him beyond regular means for release (from stress) in which he could only find in death. orgasm and death are closely linked like twins.




I found it very awkward how he needed a ladle to get "it up."

Humans are so weird...

Some people count sheep. Doesn't work with AlwaysCool, just gets him excited.


I wonder why it had to be a ladle. I mean, I have a couple of really sexy wooden spoons. And let's not forget the turkey baster. Seriously.


Yeah, I loved every bit of this movie except THAT scene, that scene made me grab a barf bag. Could handle everything else though :P


I must say, my own face mimicked the bosses very closely when he was impaled. A mix of "Ouch" and "jesus christ that is funny".

If dolphins are so smart, how come they live in igloos
