How come...

...they didn't go further into popping? i understnad that 'breaking' itself is more of the posterboy for hiphop dance, but don't you think that popping should have gotten more of a holler since it was first?they just gave popping a small chapter. i don't know. maybe because i am more interested in popping i saw it as kind of a skewed history..but i am more than happy to hear other people's opinions on that. anyhow - i think the film is still magnificent.


Hmm yeah, they could have gotten deeper into popping.
Actually they could make a separate part for each element of hip-hop as it's a very wide subject :)
Still, it's pretty much the best hip-hop documentary I've seen.


Probably because the film is based on the Bronx B-Boys. They did give the Popping & Locking pioneers on the West Coast their due though in the film.


on that note, i'd be very interested in finding out the name of one of those west coast dudes that were featured... he appeared only briefly in a stage/theatre setting and was demonstrating ticking and strobing.


Skeeter Rabbit of the Electric Boogaloo's (RIP)

he was the best ever.


Yeah, considering the fact that break dancing was obviously the main focus I think they did a good job representing Popping. As far as B-Boying goes, this is an excellent documentary.

Back off! ...Way off!
