What I don't get...

1. Sorry for my bad english ;)

2. Okay, I've seen this movue yesterday and I watched it only because of Megan Fox, because that's really not the kind of movie I watch in general.
Well, I think the movie is really cheesy, not a good film for me, but that's not the point...
Well, there's something I don't get. In the locker room Carla says she wants to do a modern version of this musical and Lola says that's dumb, it should have been done classic. But then she suddenly wants the leading part in this musical and suddenly it seems that everybody thinks that a modern version is a good idea and in the end it even seems that it was Lolas idea to do the musical with modern elements, rock music and so on, but it was not. I mean, her opponent Carla was the creative mind behind it but she didn't get any credit for it. That's just illogical, why wasn't it the other way round? Why didn't Lola make the suggestion for a modern version of the musical, so in the end she could star in her own musical. That makes just no sense to me...


dude it's just a movie lol. it's probaly not even for your age ground anyways. don't read so much into it.


I dont think it really was Carla's idea, she had probably been talking to Miss Baggoli and wanted to pass off the idea as her own, cause at the audition Carla gave Miss Baggoli credit for it, if it was really Carla's idea, she probably would have taken full credit.

The reason Lola really wanted the part even though she didnt completely favor the idea of making it modern was as she said, acting is her chosen career, she wanted the role because she wanted to start her acting career with a lead role.

I'm waking up with the midnight sun



1. I have to say I've only seen this movie once, but as far as I can remember Lola asked Ms. Baggoli: "Was this really your idea?" and she answerd something like: "Yes, why not?" in a bit nervous and aggressive way. And Carla was smiling confident during this, that makes not much sense...

2. Well, that could be, maybe.

3. I do.

4. Please explain what you don't understand.

