
We love this movie and like to discuss each new nuance noticed with each watch.

For instance, Kirin. We have noticed the looks on her face as she watches Will's growing attraction to Lalita.

Could it be that Kirin, in the past, may have wondered why Will never made a play for her and just chalked it up to her being Indian and that Will would never be attracted to someone outside his race.

Then to watch her realize that it wasn't a racial thing. It was her.

Getting You Satisfied
(One way or another)


Kirin corresponds to the Caroline Bingley character in the novel. Jane Austen had her as quite the conniving wench, openly setting her cap for Darcy but never having a chance. I quite liked this movie's more subtle treatment of her.


I don't think Kiran was that interested in Darcy in this movie. She's still a nasty piece of work, but I don't think she's a rival for his affections the way she is in P&P. She dislikes Lalita because she's a snob, not because she wants Darcy.

That's my take, anyway.


Never said she wanted Darcy. She would have wanted Darcy to want her. Not love her or marry her or anything, but as self-centered as she was, she would have wanted his attention.

Getting You Satisfied
(One way or another)


I think she's supposed to, though, Julie. There's a deleted scene on the DVD of Will's return to London after Lalita's rejection. He visits Balraj to apologize for interfering in his relationship with Jaya. Kiran answers the door when he arrives, but first she checks herself in the mirror. She definitely seems interested in Will then!


How did I miss that? I saw the deleted scenes and I missed that nuance. Thanks for pointing it out!


Oh, do watch that scene again. I wish they had included it in the final cut of the film! :-)


Brilliant observation - I never thought about it quite like that!

Those who study history are doomed to watch others repeat it.
