The snake dance

I enjoyed the movie a lot and have watched it several times. One thing I just don't get is "the snake dance". I am familiar with "Pride and Prejudice" so I understand this scene is supposed to showcase how inept this daughter is. The problem is the performance seems pretty good to me. She looks good, moves well and sure is in step with the rhythm of the music.

Her audience doesn't look uniformly pained by it either. So am I missing something? Is her performance really so bad?



In the book and the film adaptations of Pride & Prejudice she's always jumping at any chance to play the piano and sing in public, and when she does perform it's always with a lot more force than talent. She's never horrifyingly bad...people kind of just tolerate her.


Since Maya, the girl who does the dance, is meant to be the equivalent of Mary Bennett, that scene was a way to have a scene where Maya stands out, since she's the least relevant sister in the plot. And just like Mary Bennett works hard for knowledge and accomplishment but doesn't have the genius or the taste to display it, that dance scene was meant to mirror it.


That dance was probably rather embarrassing for her family.
