why no love?

Ive been reading all over the internet how G4 "sucks".. and yet.. never any explanation of WHYY????
i grew up on video games, any moment of my life that i can squeeze a little more geek-time into im happy with, these guys all seem like geeks or at least theyre trying very hard to make geeks happy , i love this show, and most of this network.. well.. whats left of it.. it seems to be losing its grasp and they seem to be having to rely more and more on product endorsements to get by.. when i get on the internet i see why.. apparently you all hate it?

again i ask, WHY?
something more detailed than "sucks" please.. i want to be popular.. make me hate it with you!



It's just the douchebags still living in 2002 who can't stop whining about the old Tech TV days.


OH! right. so i guess its not really about the quality or the format at all.
its kinda like the kirk fans who cant/wont stop hating picard... and spend all day questioning the validity of holodecks.
Or old white people who talk about how great it was when everyone was forced to listen to them.
or all those women who still have 80s haircuts... and men who have mullets without irony.
thanks for helping me figure that out. ive stopped caring now.


While the Tech TV fans are annoying, the show has not been good in years. In the 2004-2006 days the show was amazing. It was purely a review show with some very fun comedy. By mid 2007, G4 sucked all of the fun out of the show, and crammed every bit of their old mission statement into a 30 minute period. X-Play as it was is dead, and it is a damn shame.


I don't think that X-Play or Attack of the Show sucks, I watch both everyday. I think when you're seeing people say G4 sucks, it's because those are the only 2 shows that have the 'geek' identity to them anymore, and all the other shows make the channel look like a cheap imitation of Spike TV. Cops, Campus Cops, Ninja Warrior, etc. There used to be more shows with the geek pop culture/video game theme, but G4 network execs cancelled them all to make room for crappy reruns of the above. People that used to love those shows are understandably pissed.

Aaah, buckle this.



I don't think X-Play sucks (although I do think G4 in general does)
I do miss the days when X-Play was purely a review show.
Now it just gives a bunch of useless information about *beep* we already know about.

