MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003) Discussion > Which is more official? Common misconcep...

Which is more official? Common misconception

I've heard many people 'round the net saying "Labryinth of Evil" is more official than "Star Wars: Clone Wars". Anybody else think "Labryinth of Evil" is more OFFICIAL?

Because if you think LOE is official, you think Obi-Wan is Yoda's Aunt.


Neither of them are more official than the other. The advantage that Labyrinth of Evil has is not so much over Clone Wars, but over other Star Wars books. The author James Luceno was given a lot more foreknowledge of Episode III than most other EU writers. He also worked fairly closely with Matthew Stover who was writing the Episode III novelization. The result is two books that tie into one another and covers certain gaps not explained in Episode III.

Matthew Stover's novelization is the first I've read that makes reference to other EU sources, including Tartakovsky's Clone Wars series. The Episode III novel refers to Anakin's confrontation with Asajj Ventress.

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Yep. Lucas basically explained what had happened before Episode III to James Luceno, and it wasn't till after the clone wars cartoon was really successful, and George's song, Jett wanted to know how Ki-Adi Mundi got out of that battle with Grievous, that Lucas got them to make five 15 minute episodes leading up to it as well.

Me, because Luacs consideres the cartoon canon to his films, I consider it more *canon* then the book, but that's just me.


I'm guessing that which is more canon is that which better holds Lucas' attention. It has been reported that he doesn't read the novels, but does read the comic books. And if I'm not mistaken he watched the cartoons. The best argument for the cartoon being more canon than anything else is that they are in the motion picture medium similar to the movies. A live action tv show will probably trump that.

The entire Droids cartoon series is more or less invalidated by the movies. The cartoon takes place before the A New Hope and follows the droids on various adventures under different masters. In Episode III, the droids are passed off onto Captain Antilles who commands the Tantive IV. And in Episode IV, the droids are still on the Tantive IV under the care of Captain Antilles. Everything in those cartoons seems too unlikely to be considered canon.

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Droids, Ewoks and the Ewoks movies aren't considered canon. Even though Lucas made the ewok movies and released them out on DVD, he doesn't actually consider them to being actual canon.

and the one he consideres the worst and completely Non-Canon to the enire series is the Star Wars Holiday Special. Which is true, it is absoultly the worst star wars based special I've ever seen. The only thing in it that is even remotely good is the animated sequence that introduced Boba Fett.



just the fact that it's animated makes clone wars not literal, but more of a summary, an accelerated, exaggerated version of the story.


